Memory Delta Wiki

The Ares is in orbit of the planet.

On the bridge Admiral Martin sits in the center chair as Rodney is complaining.

Rodney you're complaining stop it Admiral Martin says as he looks at over at him.

Rodney looks at him.

What are you going to do, put me in the brig! and you are a fool wanting to destroy the 60 Aurora-class battleships when you know we can use them! Rodney says as he looks at Admiral Martin.

He turns to him.

Don't tempt me Rodney oh let's see we don't need them because we don't have 60 people with the ATA gene it would be a waste of space and time and you know that Starfleet Command has banned genetic therapy Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.

Rodney looks at him.

So we should just destroy them we lots of people with the ATA gene at Starbase Atlantis and then we don't need the Enterprise! Rodney says as he looks at him.

He looks at him.

Uh let's see we have standard orders to do that to keep them from falling into the hands of the enemy, and we have the super carriers coming out and soon the Zheng He-class so we're good on battleships Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.

On the surface a science team is gathering the 80 ZPMs.

The ZPMs are loaded on the Jumper we'll take them to the Ares Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at Sheppard.

When we get back to the Ares I want to have a secret meeting to talk about what we are going to do about our problem Typhuss says as he looks at Sheppard.

Colonel Sheppard looks at him.

You are going behind your best friend's back the man who married you and Kira when you got back from the Delta Quadrant in 2378 Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at him.

I have no choice, he won't listen to reason or us, that's an order, Colonel Typhuss says as he looks at Sheppard.

Meanwhile on board the Ares Replicator Weir sneaks into the communications room again and sends another encoded transmission to her battleship.

On the bridge McKay looks at the console puzzled.

Is something wrong Rodney? Admiral Martin asked as he look at him.

He studies the console read out and then reports.

Seems there's some sort of glitch in the communications array, but I can't seem to isolate it we may have to return to Starbase Atlantis so I can get a better look at it Rodney says as he looks at Admiral Martin.

Admiral Martin tapped his combadge.

Martin to Kira, Typhuss its time to come back up here we've got a bit of a problem with the communications array we'll have to return to Starbase Atlantis Admiral Martin says as he speaks into the com.

Typhuss comes over the com.

Kira here, understood we will return to the ship aboard the Jumper Typhuss says on the com.

Back at Starbase Atlantis the Ares is docked.

On the bridge McKay and Zelenka are working on the communications system.

This system is old Rodney Zelenka says as he looks at him.

Rodney gets up from the floor with his tablet.

I think someone sent a secret transmission but made it look like it was a glitch in the communications array Rodney says as he looks at Zelenka.

He looks at him.

But who? Zelenka says as he looks at Rodney.

He shrugs his shoulders.

On the holodeck John is at the park he takes Ezri to when they're on Earth when the doors opened and Typhuss walks up to him.

I hope you don't mind me using the holodeck for a bit this is where I would take Ezri when we're both on Earth, being out here on starbase makes me wish I didn't take the promotion to Admiral sometimes John says as he turns to face Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at him.

I don't mind, are you sure that I can't convince you not to destroy those Aurora-class ships Typhuss says as he looks at John.

He looks at him.

I'm waiting on what the Federation Council and the Admiralty has to say John says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss smiles at John and wondered why he did take the promotion of Admiral.

Why did you take the promotion to Admiral? asked Typhuss as he looks at John.

John turned to him.

It wasn't by choice it was the Fleet Admiral who forced the promotion on me in 2390 without my opinion on it John says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at John.

I didn't know that, me on the other hand I took the promotion to Vice Admiral because I deserved it for all my hard work in Starfleet for years Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John turns to him.

I remember that ceremony at Earth Spacedock John says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at John.

My ceremony took place on Voyager in the mess hall Typhuss says as he looks at John.

He looks at him.

I was talking about the official ceremony because Voyager can't handle a bunch of people she's small and so is her mess hall John says as he looks at Typhuss.

They're walking back to the doors after the simulation ends.

On the Ares Doctor McKay and his team are working on the communications array to figure out what was causing it to glitch out, when Typhuss enters and asked for a report.

I want a report Typhuss says as he looks at McKay.

He turns to Typhuss and closes his tricorder.

I'm not sure what happened it looked like a glitch but it seems to have fixed itself Doctor McKay says as he looks at Admiral Kira.

Then Doctor Zelenka chimes in.

We're currently running a level-2 diagnostic we should know more in a few hours Doctor Zelenka says as he looks at him.

In ops Teyla walks over to Admiral Martin.

Teyla how are you doing its been awhile since we last saw each other Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

Admiral can we speak in private Teyla says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

Sure Chuck you've got command until General Carter finishes with her briefing with both Homeworld Command and Starfleet Command Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.

He nods and both John and Teyla enter the office.

All right, Teyla what's on your mind? John says as he looks at her.

She looks at him and explains what's on her mind.

We need the 60 Aurora-class battleships, destroying them would be a bad idea we already went through this situation during the Ares incident, can you not see this the wrong move Teyla says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

And if you recall me and my former crew were punished as soon as we got back to Milky Way by the Fleet Admiral Teyla if there was another Fleet Admiral I would talk to him or her but they'll tell me the same thing that I can't disobey orders from the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Starfleet John says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

John I understand that you and Typhuss are in hot water as you say with Fleet Admiral Akaar but as me or Ronon aren't a member of Starfleet we don't have to follow his orders, and what about General Carter or General O'Neill or Admirals Picard or Janeway or Riker? Teyla says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

I'm not part of the Starfleet Marine Corps so I can't go to them and Picard, Janeway, and Riker aren't able to countermand his orders and I already tried the Federation President his jackass of a Vice President hung up on me stating that "the President is too busy to handle something this trivial good day Admiral Martin" so I don't know what else to do Teyla except follow his orders I've stood up to him once and it cost me my command being forced to take this promotion that I didn't want to be forced into John says as he looks at her.

Teyla looks at him.

So you're going to just listen to orders that you know are wrong? Teyla asked as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

Teyla I've got no other Admirals to go to they're all outranked by Akaar, Ozawa isn't a Fleet Admiral yet she's a Admiral John says as he looks at her.

Then the doors chimed.

Come John says as he looks at the doors.

Colonel Sheppard enters.

What can I do for you Colonel? John asked as he looks at him.

John you need to change your mind on this Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at him.

He looks at him.

Not you too am I the only one that cares about defending the Federation from Replicator Weir and her band of Replicators that need to be turned into dust look at what they did to me they infected Doctor Weir with those nanites as well Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.

Unknown to them Replicator Weir is watching them fight as she smirks.
