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John is in the weapon range when General Carter enters.

Coming to also talk me out of my orders? John asked as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

Yes, John you need to understand that we have a chance in the life time to end the war before it gets worse General Carter says as she looks at him.

He turns to her.

And when I get back I'd get punished by Fleet Admiral Akaar and chained to my desk for a month John says as he looks at her.

He goes to the armory and puts the P90 phaser rifle up as Sam looks at him.

Admiral I understand that you're following orders but you need to understand that those orders are wrong General Carter says as she looks at him.

He turns to her.

I'm not Kirk I can't disobey orders like he did and Typhuss John says as he looks at her.

Sam looks at him.

So you are just going to follow orders, when you know that its wrong and we could use 60 Aurora-class battleships against the Der'kal Sam says as she looks at John.

He looks at her.

We've already got the new super carriers coming out and we've got the Victory-class Destroyers I don't see why we need those ships anyway and we've got the Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians pitching in and so far the Der'kal aren't coming to the Pegasus Galaxy John says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

John you are a good man and a good father to your kids as well as a good officer Sam says as she looks at him.

In the briefing room Doctor McKay and Doctor Zelenka are briefing everyone on their findings.

So far we've not been able to find what's wrong with the communications array so far we think it was glitch Doctor McKay says as he looks at them.

General Carter looks at them.

But you're not ruling that out? General Carter says as she looks at them.

Doctor Zelenka looks at them.

No we're not able ruling that out General Doctor Zelenka says as he looks at them.

Ronon, Major Lorne and Sergeant Mehra are in the room as well.

She looks at them.

Now we have another matter that needs to be discussed Admiral Martin and his orders to destroy the 60 Aurora-class ships General Carter says as she looks at AR-1.

They look at her.

I've reviewed his service record impressive no reprimands or demerits until we talked him out of destroying the Ares Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at General Carter.

Teyla looks at them.

He's in a difficult position right now he doesn't want to face the wrath of the Fleet Admiral and get a worse punishment then your Admiral Janeway got when she disobeyed orders to rescue Commander Torres and her daughter from a rouge Klingon faction Teyla says as she looks at them.

Rodney chimes in.

So that gives him the right to rob us of the biggest discovery since warp drive and the Stargates? Rodney asked as he looks at them.

Colonel Sheppard looks at him.

Remember the last big discovery we made you destroyed a solar system Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at him.

Rodney looks at him.

It was like 3/4 of it and you're not going to let that go are you Rodney says as he looks at him.

Colonel Sheppard looks at him.

No I am not going to let that go Rodney I understand where Admiral Martin is coming from he's been put in another difficult position and he can't find a way out because of his rank and he has to follow the orders or he'll be put at a starbase so far off the star charts you couldn't find it with a squad of hunting dogs Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at them.

I think it's time we throw the rule book out the window, we have to stop Admiral Martin even if we have to lead a mutiny against him Typhuss says as he looks at them.

General Carter looks at him.

No we're not turning on one of our own we're Starfleet true orders are wrong but this isn't something that we can do he's a higher rank then you Typhuss Sam says as she looks at him.

I don't care, he isn't going to listen to us this is the only way to stop him unless you have another idea Typhuss says as he looks at Sam.

She looks at him.

We're not Klingons we don't turn just because of one bad egg Sam says as she looks at him.

Meanwhile unknown to them Replicator Weir and her crew are watching them slowly turn on each other.

Your plan is working perfectly the officer says as he looks at her.

She turns to him.

I know Replicator Weir says as she looks at her.

In guest quarters John is talking to Ezri via the communication stones.

Ezri are my orders wrong or right? John asked as he looks at his wife.

Ezri looks at him.

John these orders aren't the right way to go Ezri says as she looks at him.

He turns to her.

So you want me to get punished by Fleet Admiral Akaar again Ezri he put me on stembolt duty, and that was the most boring assignment known to man and he said "the next time you disobey orders Admiral you'll be assigned to a starbase so far off the star charts you won't be able to have a squad of hunting dogs to search for you" John says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

No, I want you to stand up to him and do what is right Ezri says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

And I get punished for it Ezri like last time John says as he looks at her.

He hangs his head down in his hands she walks over to him and looks at him and they kiss.

John you are the bravest and smartest man I know and you are a great husband and a great father to our daughter but you need to get a backbone sometimes Ezri says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

Ezri how can I go against orders that I know is helping the Federation we don't have 60 people with ATA gene and Starfleet has banned genetic therapy since Admiral Chin-Riley was found out to be genetically enhanced, and Julian was almost arrested for lying in his Starfleet profile John say as he looks at her.

Listen John I've gotta go I am meeting Kira for lunch on Bajor I love you and hope that you'll reconsider your orders Ezri says as she looks at him.

They kiss and Ezri leaves his quarters.

In ops Admiral Martin, Vice Admiral Kira, and General Carter are at the screen as the jumpgate to Earth is activated.

The Federation Council has come to a decision in light of not wanting to risk our allies the Klingons leaving or the Romulan Star Empire, and Cardassian Union, they've decided not to pursue an alliance with Replicator Weir and her group we can keep the 80 ZPMs but we've got enough ships to fight the Der'kal Empire with Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the screen.

General Carter looks at the screen.

Admiral we need those ships to defend Earth and Pegasus with General Carter says as she looks at the screen.

Fleet Admiral Akaar chimes in.

Watch your tone General or I'll pull you back here for the rest of the war Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the screen.

General Carter stands down.

Now you three have your orders I expect you three to carry them out do I make myself clear Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the screen.

Yes, sir Admiral Martin says as he looks at the screen.

General Carter looks at the screen.

Yes, sir General Carter says as she looks at the screen.

Vice Admiral Kira looks at the screen as well.

Yes sir Typhuss says as he looks at the screen.

Transmission ends as they're not thrilled by it and John is still conflicted by what his friends and wife told him.

Sam looks at Typhuss.

He's conflicted I see it in his eyes Typhuss Sam says as she looks at him.

He leaves to join him at the Ares.

The Ares is traveling through hyperspace.

In the armory John is getting the Mark IX charge ready as Ronon enters.

Admiral can we talk one soldier to another Ronon says as he looks at him.

John smiles.

Sure Ronon one soldier to another I'm sure you had orders that you thought was wrong but you followed them John says as he looks at him.

Ronon tells him about his former commanding officer that he shot.

Kell commanded several infantry divisions on Sateda when the Wraith came, he ordered thousands to their death just to save himself he was a traitor and a coward, these ships can help us we shouldn't destroy them Ronon says as he looks at him.

John looks at him.

Ronon when I saw Sateda I pictured Earth being like that and it happened when the Der'kal took it over, the Admiralty is afraid and I don't blame them for it but Akaar is a Fleet Admiral he is in charge of the entire Starfleet and I'm not being a traitor nor a coward I am simply wanting to defend the Federation and we don't have 60 people back home with the ATA gene nor do we have permission to do genetic therapy John says as he looks at Ronon.

Ronon smiles at him.

John I'm not saying that you're a coward nor a traitor you are better then Kell if you were my commanding officer I would follow every order you gave me until our dying breath Ronon says as he looks at him.

Then they feel the ship exit hyperspace.

The Ares enters orbit.

On the bridge Rodney is at the console scanning for the outpost.

That's weird Rodney says as he looks at the screen.

Admiral Martin and Ronon enters the bridge.

What's going on? Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.

Rodney looks at them.

I can't find the outpost Rodney says as he looks at them.

Both Admiral Martin and Vice Admiral Kira are shocked by this.

What do you mean you can't find it we've got to beam that charge to it so we can take those vessels out before anyone else finds them Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.

Rodney looks at them.

These sensors are brand new recently installed give them a minute Rodney says as he looks at them.

John thinks.

Do a full spectral analysis for them Admiral Martin says as he looks at Rodney.

Typhuss thinks and then knows what John is doing because Janeway did it once to find the Delta Flyer when it crashed landed after encountering an ion storm in 2375.

Wait I'm picking them up but they're in orbit and operational Rodney says as he looks at the sensors.

John is confused.

I thought that you had to have someone with the ATA gene in order to work these things? Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.

Colonel Sheppard looks at them.

According to General Carter yeah Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at them.

Admiral Martin looks at them.

All right we've got a job to do let's get it done so I can go home and report to the Fleet Admiral that our orders have been carried out, and he can stop breathing down my neck Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.

He leaves the bridge to prep the charges.

In the launch bay Typhuss is helping John as he's trying to talk him out of this.

We need those ships and you know it, we could really use them don't tell me we don't need them Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John looks at him.

Typhuss we don't need them and we don't have a choice we're under strict orders and we have to follow them to the letter John says as he puts the box in the other Jumper.

They finish loading the last Jumper.

We don't need 60 warships and we don't have sixty people with the ATA gene you know that Starfleet banned genetic therapy for a good reason we have those new vessels coming out soon and we've got the Victory-class Destroyers, and our allies will think we've been taken over by the Asurans if they see these ships do you not understand that John says as he looks at him.

John sits at the pilot station getting the Jumper prepped for launch.

Typhuss look you maybe the commanding officer of Atlantis but you're also a Starfleet Vice Admiral, and you can't countermand orders from a Fleet Admiral who has threaten us on so many occasions with stembolt duty or colony defense and I was put on stembolt escort duty for sparing the Ares of its destruction I'm not making that same mistake again now we've got a job to do and we're going to carry it out and get it finished so I can get him off my ass and not have to worry about him John says as he looks at Typhuss.

Typhuss looks at John.

We need those ships, without the Ancient Technology Activation gene therapy no one else in the Atlantis Expedition would have the ATA gene and all you care about is following orders that are wrong as the commanding officer of the Atlantis Expedition the 60 Aurora-class ships would be useful to the Federation Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John looks at him.

You can't countermand a Fleet Admiral's orders you're not one yourself and I know you're planning to screw me over by stopping me we're Starfleet officers we have a duty to follow orders its been drilled in our heads for years at the Academy, and I was put on escort duty for six months and this time I could be placed at starbase far off the star charts John says as he look at him.

The sixty Jumpers fly from the Ares and the one with John and Typhuss lands in the bay of the lead vessel.

On board the vessel both John and Typhuss are walking through the corridors to the engine room to set the Mark IX shape charge.

The engine room should be in this direction Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.

They continue to the engine room they enter the engine room and John puts the bag down and starts setting up the charges around the hyperdrive reactor.

Typhuss takes out his type-2 phaser and looks at John.

I can't allow this to happen again, stop don't do this Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John looks at him and has his P90 phaser rifle pointed at him as well.

Typhuss this is different I don't have the Enterprise anymore I lost her because of stuff like this and you were in the Delta Quadrant while I was fighting the Dominion and I saw good people die who could of survived! I saw people we went to the Academy with die in that war and you were gone you were lost I didn't have my best friend here to speak with me to talk me down from doing something stupid it was Kira who kept me sane it was Worf who kept me sane it was Jadzia and Ezri who kept me sane John says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at John.

I can't let you do this, what's next are you going to destroy every Ancient ship I find or maybe you want to destroy Destiny or Atlantis, I have no choice I'm sorry Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John looks at him.

If they get invaded then yes but only if they get invaded and can't be recovered and we have a duty to follow orders Typhuss we're Starfleet officers or being lost 70,000 light-years away dulled your sense of duty to that uniform John asked as he looks at him.

Then they hear Asgard beaming technology and Admiral Picard shows up.

Jean-Luc what are you doing here? John asked as he looks at him still has his weapon trained on Typhuss and Typhuss is doing the same thing.

Jean-Luc looks at John and explains why he's here in Pegasus.

I'm just trying to help, Typhuss is right you can't destroy these ships they have powerful weapons Jean-Luc says as he looks at John.

John still has his weapon pointed at Typhuss as Typhuss is still doing the same.

Jean-Luc we already have four of these things we don't need anymore and we've got the new super carriers coming out soon as well as Inquiry-class vessels and we got the orbital defense platforms and you heard what Akaar will do to me if I disobey his orders one more time John says as he looks at Jean-Luc.

Jean-Luc looks at him.

Really, what if Earth is attacked by a large fleet those ships could help protect Earth Jean-Luc says as he looks at him.

He looks at him.

Jean-Luc you don't understand I can't disobey these orders not this time we're Starfleet we don't have a choice of what orders we can obey and ones we have to disobey this isn't the Delta Quadrant John says as he looks at him.

Then they felt a jolt rock the vessel.

What the hell was that? John asked as he looks at them.

Ares to away team come in Major Lorne says over the com.

Martin here go ahead what's going on? Admiral Martin asked as he speaks into the com.

One Genii warship just exited hyperspace they've laid claim on the Aurora-class ships and are demanding that we leave or face destruction Major Lorne says over the com.

John looks at them.

Its probably Marcus and his band of Genii rebels John says as he looks at them.

They leave the engine room to head back to the Ares.

The Jumper heads back to the Ares.

On the bridge they walk onto the bridge and John sits in the center chair.

Sergeant back us off from the vessels Admiral Martin says as he looks at Dusty.

She inputs commands into the helm station.

Aye, sir Sergeant Dusty says as she follows the orders.

John inputs commands into the arm rest console.

These Genii are nothing more then the Maquis and we need room to maneuver we'll come back for these ships later Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.

Doctor McKay looks at him.

What if they disable the charges? Doctor McKay says as he looks at him.

Admiral Martin turns to him.

I'd brought the ones that are keyed to Starfleet voice authorization codes it was Admiral Kira's idea to design them in case something like this happens Admiral Martin says as he looks at Doctor McKay.

The Ares moves to starboard as its shields are taking hits from the Genii vessel.

On the bridge lights flicker as Ronon looks at the weapons station.

Shields down to seventy-one percent! Ronon says as he looks at the station.

Sparks erupt from the ceiling and MSD.

Lock weapons onto the Genii vessel and return fire Admiral Martin says as he looks at Ronon.

Ronon presses the firing button.

The Ares unleashes a volley of drones but the Genii ship uses countermeasures to distract the targeting scanners.

On the bridge Typhuss looks at the viewer seeing this and is shocked.

Fire the pulse weapons Typhuss says as he looks at Ronon.

John turns to him.

Pulse weapons? John asked as he looks at him.

Typhuss explains.

Pulse weapons are a type of weapon used by the Lanteans and the Asurans on their ships Typhuss says as he looks at John.

John turns to Ronon and nods as he inputs commands.

The Ares fires its pulse weapons at the Genii vessel hitting its port deflectors as the Genii vessel fires its own pulse weapons punching through the dorsal deflectors causing massive explosions to rip through the hull.

On the bridge huge shower of sparks erupt from the ceiling and MSD as the crew are hanging onto their stations and John is gripping the armrests tightly.

Damage report! Admiral Martin shouts as sparks continue to erupt.

Doctor McKay looks at the console.

We've got explosive decompression on decks 10, 12, and 19! Doctor McKay says as he looks at his station's read out.

Sergeant engage hyperdrive get us the hell out of here Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

She complies with the order.

The Ares enters hyperspace.

On the bridge smoke is everywhere as fires are being put out.

How the hell did the Genii know where we were? Admiral Martin asked as he looks at them.

Colonel Sheppard chimes in.

They know about our need for Ancient technology to improve Atlantis's defenses Colonel Sheppard says as he looks at Admiral Martin, Admiral Picard, and Vice Admiral Kira.

Admiral Martin looks at them.

Where do we stand with the ship? Admiral Martin asked as he looks at Doctor McKay.

Doctor McKay gives a full damage report.

Well we've got explosive decompression on decks ten, twelve, and nineteen and the shields are severally depleted, and we've drained our payload of drones by 10% Doctor McKay says as he looks at them.

Typhuss looks at Doctor McKay.

How long until we get to Starbase Atlantis? asked Typhuss as he looks at McKay.

Doctor McKay looks at them.

We should be back there within the hour Doctor McKay says as he looks at them.

The Ares exits hyperspace and approaches Starbase Atlantis.

In her office both General Carter and Admiral Martin are chatting with private mode activates so no one can hear them argue and debate.

I can't believe you were planning against me a fellow officer Sam! John says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

I had no choice! you weren't listening to us and talking was getting us anything we had to try to stop you Sam says as she looks at John.

He looks at him.

So a munity that's a career killer Sam! and I was following orders from our superior officer and the Federation Council! John says as he looks at her.

Sam looks at him.

We are trying to save the 60 Aurora-class ships and we could really use them but no you want to blow them all to hell! Sam says as she looks at John.

John paces about.

Oh my god what part of WE HAVE ORDERS TO FOLLOW! aren't going into your thick skull Sam we have orders to follow and disobeying them means court martial and reassignment to a backwater part of Federation space or on one of those California-class vessels for the rest of your career! John says as he looks at her.

Picard knocks on the door as Sam unlocks the doors and they open and Picard enters and he looks at her.

General can you give me and John a moment? Admiral Picard says as he looks at her.

Sam looks at him.

Sure Admiral General Carter says as she looks at him.

She leaves the office and the private mode reengaged as Picard sits in the chair behind the desk and fixes his uniform as he looks at his former first officer.

We need those ships destroying them is a bad idea, we could use them Admiral Picard says as he looks at John.

John looks at him.

Jean-Luc we don't need those ships we already have four here at Atlantis and we don't have sixty people back home with the ATA gene and genetic therapy is banned throughout the Federation, and I'm following orders from a high ranking officer Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.

Jean-Luc looks at him.

You are so wrong my old friend, we do need those ships, they would add to our fleet and the firepower those ships have will help us protect Earth Admiral Picard says as he looks at John.

John paces about.

You're asking me to disobey orders from a Fleet Admiral Jean-Luc you are an Admiral not a Fleet Admiral yourself John says as he looks at him.

Jean-Luc looks at him.

I can't tell you what to do, its up to you but do what's right Admiral Picard says as he looks at John.

He looks at him.

What's right and that's obeying orders from your superior officers and the Federation Council not going off like some cowboy just because you're 3 billion light-years from Earth John says as he looks at Jean-Luc.
