The Orion returns to the system.
On the bridge Admiral Martin sits in the center chair.
Rodney any sign of the Genii? Admiral Martin asked as he looks over at him.
Rodney checks the scanners.
Nope no sign of them Doctor McKay says as he looks at the scanners read out.
Admiral Martin gets up from the chair.
Doesn't mean that they're not lukering about run continuous scans to be sure they're not waiting to ambush us Admiral Martin says as he looks at him.
Doctor McKay starts running the scans.
Colonel Sheppard, you and Teyla are with me we're going back to the lead vessel and finish this mission Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.
They follow him to the launch bay.
Meanwhile at Starbase Atlantis Typhuss is standing in ops awaiting word about the sixty Aurora-class battleships.
Anything? General Carter says as she looks at him.
Typhuss turns to her.
No Typhuss says as he looks at Sam as he leaves to join AR-1.
The Jumper heads to the lead vessel.
Onboard they're walking through the corridors heading to the engine room, they enter it but check the corners to make sure that no one is here as Admiral Martin continues setting the charges around the hyperdrive reactor.
I'm not going to be reassigned to some desk at a starbase or at an outpost Admiral Martin says as he finishes the last charge and gets the controller out.
All right lets get back to the ship because its going to be a big bang Admiral Martin says as he looks at them.
They leave the engine room.
The Jumper returns to the Orion.
Onboard the Orion Admiral Martin, Colonel Sheppard, Typhuss and Teyla enter the bridge.
Sergeant back us off Admiral Martin says as he looks at Sergeant Mehra.
She inputs commands into the helm station.
Admiral Martin inputs commands into the armrest console.
These are the last vessels of the Asurans and now its time they go up in flame Admiral Martin says as he looks at the windows.
AR-1 is watching in disappointment as John is about to give the command into the armrest they see that he's hesitating.
John, stop don't do this I can see that you are hesitating, you know we should keep these ships Typhuss says as he looks at him.
Admiral Martin shakes it off.
I am a Starfleet officer I am not a cowboy who doesn't care about orders Admiral Martin says as he tries again but hesitates.
He hears Jean-Luc's voice in his head.
Do what's right, John follow your heart and make the right decision now Jean-Luc says in John's mind.
John closes his eyes.
Kelly forgive me my sweet daughter John says in Trill as he inputs commands to deactivate the charges.
Then a bright flash fills the windows as all 60 Aurora-class ships explode into a thousand pieces.
But how was that possible I deactivated them? John asked as he looks at Rodney.
Rodney examines his sensor readings and is shocked by what he discovered.
It was a fail safe feature in case of deactivation and it was put into them by Fleet Admiral Akaar Doctor McKay says as he looks at them.
They're all shocked by what just happened.
Damn it Akaar, we could have used those ships Typhuss says as he looks at Sheppard and Rodney.