Memory Delta Wiki

At Starbase Atlantis the Earth Jumpgate is activated.

In ops the screen shows Starfleet Command's briefing room.

Yes I had the fail-safe system installed into the new charges because I knew that Admiral Martin didn't have the courage to do what he's told by a superior officer Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the screen.

Admiral Martin looks at him on the screen.

Sir I Admiral Martin was about to say.

Save it Admiral you are already in enough trouble as it is with me this is the last time you'll ever see those bars again Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the screen.

Admiral Riker chimes in.

Admiral Martin has a right to speak Admiral Riker says on the screen.

John has already left ops as General Carter looks at the screen.

Typhuss looks at the screen.

You son of a bitch, we could have used those 60 Aurora class ships and now they are gone Typhuss says as he looks at the screen.

Watch your tone with me Admiral or I will demote you back to Captain and assign you to the Delta Quadrant, and for the record we don't need old ships that couldn't even defeat the Wraith all those years ago forward me your status reports and everything that the Federation President needs to review Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the screen.

General Carter looks at Chuck and nods and he send the complete mission logs to Starfleet Command.

And tell that Replicator woman to go to hell Akaar out Fleet Admiral Akaar says on the screen.

The gate shuts down as transmission ends.

McKay looks at them.

There was one that was missing from the line Doctor McKay says as he looks at them.

Then a Aurora-class battleship decloaks in front of the starbase.

We're being hailed its Admiral Martin Chuck says as he looks at both General Carter and Admiral Kira.

Sam looks at Typhuss then at Chuck.

Let's see it General Carter says as she looks at him.

On the screen shows the bridge of the Ancient vessel.

Typhuss, Sam hey sorry to spook you but I had Worf send over a cloaking device before we departed for the system on the Orion and I had Doctor Zelenka install it and Major Lorne to command it with a skeleton crew Admiral Martin says on the screen.

They both are impressed.

Wow Typhuss says as he looks at the screen.

The Puddle Jumper heads to the Aurora-class ship.

In the corridor John walks with them.

At least we have one of them John says as he looks at them.

General Carter looks at Admiral Martin.

Yeah, still it would have been better to have all of them Sam says as she looks at him.

John looks at her.

True John says as he looks at them.

They continue through the corridor to the bridge.

I had Rodney bring its hyperdrive engines back online and had it moved to a safe distance under cloak John says as he looks at them.

Typhuss looks at John.

Thank you, now let's see how much damage there is Typhuss says as he looks at John.

They enter the bridge as they see engineers working on the systems as Typhuss walks over to Doctor Zelenka.

Admiral Kira what brings you here? Doctor Zelenka says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at him.

I want a full damage report Typhuss says as he looks at him.

He looks at him.

Hyperdrive is working really well and the new cloaking device we got from the Klingons isn't drawing a lot of power like the cloak from the Puddle Jumpers, but it should be used as needed the shields are completely destroyed and will need a replacement life-support systems are working on decks 1 through 18 but not on decks 19 through 34 Doctor Zelenka says as he looks at him.

Typhuss looks at the PADD.

Well keep working on it, can you replace the shields Typhuss says as he looks at him.

Doctor McKay chimes in.

Yes we can replace them with Federation and Asgard shields Doctor McKay says as he looks at both Admirals.

Typhuss looks at John then back at the two Doctors.

Well that's good news Typhuss says as he looks at McKay.

McKay looks at him.

Yeah it is Doctor McKay says as he looks at him.

John looks at him.

So what are we going to do about Replicator Weir? John asked as he looks at them.

General Carter looks at him.

We'll have to tell her we only saved one of the Aurora-class battleships General Carter says as she looks at him.

Typhuss looks at them.

Yeah we will and I am sure she will understand I hope Typhuss says as he looks at Sam.

In the briefing room Replicator Weir punched the table as sparks erupted from as she's not happy.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN ALL BUT ONE WAS DESTROYED! Replicator Weir shouts as she looks at them.

Two guards armed with ARGs aim them at Replicator Weir and her two officers as Typhuss explains.

We had nothing to do with it, Fleet Admiral Akaar was behind it, a fail-safe system was installed into the charges which stopped us from turning them off this was out of our control Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir.

Admiral Martin looks at her.

We saved one vessel though Admiral Martin says as he looks at her.

Replicator Weir looks at them.

WE HAD A DEAL! Replicator Weir shouts as she looks at them.

Admiral Kira looks at her.

We still have a deal if we can trust you and if you can be a trustworthy ally Typhuss says as he looks at Replicator Weir.
