Gabrielle comes out of the woods.
I can't find her all I found was her sword Gabrielle says as she looks at him.
Typhuss looks at her.
We can't look for Xena in the dark, tomorrow we will go to the Amazon village and get help but right now we need to get some sleep, let's get back in the tent Typhuss says as he looks at Gabrielle.
She nods and follows him into the tent.
The next morning Typhuss gets up and he then moves to Gabrielle and gently shakes her awake.
Gabrielle, time to wake up sleepyhead! Typhuss says as he looks at her.
She wakes up and looks at him.
Help me take the tent down and we can put it in the saddlebag on Argo Typhuss says as he looks at Gabrielle.
Gabrielle helps him take the tent down.
Typhuss puts the tent in a bag and puts it in the saddlebag.
Typhuss gets on Argo while Gabrielle gets on Amber as they ride off.
Yah! yah! yahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Typhuss says to Argo to make her go faster as he and Gabrielle head to the Amazon village.
Meanwhile Xena wakes up with her arms in shackles as she looks around for whoever captured her.
What do you want from me! Xena says as she looks around.
Then a hooded figure shows up.