Memory Delta Wiki

At camp Typhuss is looking up at the stars as Gabrielle walks over to him.

You're thinking about your ship and crew? Gabrielle asked as she looks at him.

He smiles at her.

Yeah, she is my whole life and so is my crew Typhuss says as he looks at Gabrielle.

She looks at him.

I'm sure that Commander Madden is taking good care of her in your absence Gabrielle says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

Yeah he is, Gabrielle do I seem different to you, older Typhuss says as he looks at her.

She looks at him.

Yeah I know Gabrielle says as she looks at him.

He looks at her.

My sword skills have improved, I can use a bow and arrow, my fighting skills have improved as well better then before Typhuss says as he looks at Gabrielle.

Xena looks at them.

I think we're being watched Xena says as she looks at them.

Both Typhuss and Gabrielle get up.

Typhuss gets out his sword and looks at Xena.

What's out there I don't like this Typhuss says as he looks at Xena.

Xena looks at him.

I'm not sure but I have that feeling we're being watched Xena says as she looks at them.

Typhuss looks in the dark.

Come out you little bastards don't make me come after you Typhuss says as he looks in the darkness.

Then Xena gets grabbed by someone and she tries to fight them off but she gets punched in the gut hard and is knocked out cold, and is dragged off by an unknown person.

Typhuss and Gabrielle look around.

Xena! Gabrielle says as she calls for Xena.

Typhuss looks at Gabrielle.

What do we do now Typhuss says as he looks at Gabrielle.
