Memory Delta Wiki

"I have nowhere else to be."
— Tatsu on her reasons for being a ally to Dinah

Tatsu Yamashiro is a female Human who is a ally of Team Black Canary and Dinah Drake. Tatsu is also the wife of the late Maseo Yamashiro, and the mother of the late Akio Yamashiro.


  • Master swordswoman: Tatsu is revealed to be high skilled in swordsmanship. She cut down multiple Shu gang members in mere seconds. She was able to hold her own for a while against Chien Na Wei before getting overpowered, eventually defeated and captured. Tatsu's skills as a swordswoman has greatly improved over the years.
  • Expert knife-thrower: Tatsu was able to kill a triad member by throwing a knife at him.
  • Expert herbalist: Tatsu has displayed a masterful level of knowledge and expertise when it comes to using herbs as alternative medicine.
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Tatsu is skilled in close combat.
  • Meditation: Tatsu is skilled in meditation and was able to guide Typhuss into using it to analyse memories.
  • Multilingualism: As a native of Japanese Tatsu speaks that language fluently, in addition to Chinese and English.


  • Yamashiro family katana: Tatsu can proficiently wield a katana that was passed down through Yamashiro family and was once wielded by Ichiro Yamashiro and Masako Yamashiro.
  • Katana suit: Tatsu wears a protective suit, as her heroine alter-ego to hide her identity from her enemies. It is unknown what materials it's made out of.