Team Black Canary is a vigilante team from Earth-51 that is led by Dinah Drake.
The team generally follows Dinah Drake's missions to stop crime in Star City. However, they also occasionally focus on other criminals. They fight against crime/corruption, doling out justice when regular law enforcers cannot perform it on the perpetrators.
Known members[]
Current members[]
- Dinah Drake/Black Canary (founder; leader; and field support)
- John Diggle/Spartan (second in command; marksman and field support)
- Typhuss James Halliwell/Red Arrow (archer and field support)
- Felicity Smoak/Overwatch (tech support and field support)
- Laurel Lance/The Canary (legal support and field support)
- Quentin Lance/Detective (informant and occasional field support)
- Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific (tech support and field support; occasional computer hacker)
- Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog (sniper, marksman and field support)
- Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress (field support)
- Isabel Rochev/Ravager (field support)
- Carrie Cutter/Cupid (field support)
Known enemies[]
Current enemies[]
- Adrian Chase/Prometheus
- Nyssa al Ghul/Raatko (leader)
- Slade Wilson/Deathstroke
- Evelyn Sharp/Artemis
Known allies[]
Current allies[]
- League of Shadows
- L-Corp
- Lena Luthor (CEO of L-Corp)
- Chloe Sullivan/Watchtower
- Lois Lane/Stiletto
- Amanda Waller (leader)
- Lyla Michaels (deputy director)