Memory Delta Wiki
Memory Delta Wiki

"Trust me, we get that. That's why we're gonna to put it behind us, and we're gonna move on, all right? We're a team. We've got each other's backs."
Cisco Ramon

Team Flash is a vigilante team operating in Central City. The current members are Barry Allen/The Flash, Iris West-Allen, Caitlin Snow, Frost, Joe West, Cecile Horton, Allegra Garcia, and Chester P. Runk.


The team's goal is to capture meta-humans who use their new-found super powers for evil intentions. They also fight against crime in the name of justice. The team helps the Flash on missions and gives him info on where he needs to go next and what is going on there. Their main goal is protecting Central City and its citizens. However, the team sometimes helps surrounding cities, usually Star City and National City, and beyond with their criminals and threats.


Previous missions[]

The team was formed by Barry Allen after he gained the power of super-speed with the goal of stopping meta-human criminals in and around Central City. Their main base of operations is S.T.A.R. Labs.

The team fought a number of meta-humans including Hartley Rathaway. In one fight with Rathaway, Barry accidentally put one of Hartley's henchmen, Roderick Smith, into a coma when he threw a lightning bolt at a sonic beam that was created by Hartley's gaunlets.

Eventually, it was revealed that Harrison Wells himself was the Reverse-Flash and that his real identity was that of Eobard Thawne, a speedster from the late 26th century who murdered the real Harrison Wells and stole his identity. He also turned out to be the one who killed Nora Allen.

At some point, Team Flash fought Mirror Master and neutralized his powers using coldness.

Team Flash fought various villains over the years. When they battled Clifford DeVoe, the MAD 2.0 was used to enter his mind. Cicada was defeated by the Flash and XS, Barry's and Iris' daughter from a possible future. XS was taught to use her speed by Eobard Thawne, causing so much tension in the team that Barry, at some point, sent her into the future without consulting Iris on her feelings. Bloodwork is a foe who left a lasting impression on Barry as Ramsey created monsters believing he was a hero.

War Against Black Hole[]

After the Crisis, Team Flash started investigating all of the changes caused by the crisis. However, an investigation into a mysterious organization by The Central City Citizen caused the secrecy of Black Hole to be endangered and the organization planned several attacks on the members of the Citizen. After the attacks, Team Flash decided to help the Citizen expose and defeat Black Hole. An immediate problem was liberating Iris, Kamilla Hwang, and David Singh from their imprisonment within the Mirrorverse by Eva McCulloch. Team Flash eventually agreed to protect Joseph Carver from Eva with the hope that he would help them free their teammates and friend from the Mirrorverse. However, in a fight with Eva McCulloch's team, Eva succeeded in her mission and killed her husband.

Barry, Cisco, and Frost battle Eva

Team Flash vs. Mirror Monarch

A more immediate problem for Barry was the death of the Speed Force; slowly losing his powers, Barry began to question his role as team leader, as he worked constantly to create an Artificial Speed Force machine. Harrison Nash Wells ultimately sacrificed himself in order to power the artificial Speed Force, which restored Barry's powers. However, the artificial Speed Force caused Barry to lose his emotional response and he damaged the Artificial Speed Force machine when that loss of emotion caused him to harm Iris when he retrieved her from the Mirrorverse. Team Flash's war with Black Hole came to an end after Eva destroyed the organization and later returned to the Mirrorverse.

The Godspeed war[]

The Flash speedster team

Barry and Iris alongside Team Flash's speedster allies

Known members[]

Current members[]

  • Barry Allen/The Flash (founder, leader, forensic scientist, occasional tech support, and field agent)
  • Iris West-Allen (co-leader, informant, occasional field agent, strategy and mission control)
  • Caitlin Snow (medic, biologist, and backup tech support)
  • Frost (field agent)
  • Joe West (field agent)
  • Cecile Horton (lawyer, legal support, and empath)
  • Allegra Garcia (field agent)
  • Chester P. Runk (occasional mission control and tech support)

Former members[]

  • Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (leader and physicist; revealed to be an enemy)
  • "Iris West-Allen" (façade; destroyed)
  • "Kamilla Hwang" (façade; destroyed)
  • Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man (detective and field agent; on a mission)
  • Harrison Nash Wells (mechanic; deceased)
  • Cisco Ramon/Mecha-Vibe (tech support, computer hacker, and field agent; moved to Star City to work for A.R.G.U.S.)
  • Kamilla Hwang (occasional mission control and tech support; moved to Miami to open a gallery show)

Known allies[]

Current allies[]

Former allies[]

Known enemies[]

Current enemies[]

  • The Araňas
    • Kimiyo Hoshi/Dr. Light
    • Millie Rawlins/Sunshine
  • Negative Forces of Nature
    • Negative Still Force
    • Negative Sage Force
    • Negative Strength Force
    • Negative Speed Force
  • Rogues
    • Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang
    • Andrea Wozzeck/The Fiddler
    • Michelle Amar/Murmur
    • Roy Bivolo/Rainbow Raider

Former enemies[]

  • Barry Allen/Savitar (erased from existence)
    • Acolyte" (incarcerated)
  • August Heart/Godspeed (deceased)
  • Carrie Bates/Rainbow Raider 2.0
  • Mark Blaine/Chillblaine (incarcerated)
  • Sterling Brooks (incarcerated)
  • Sue Dearbon (turned ally)
  • Grodd (currently in Gorilla City on probation)
  • Roger Hayden/Psycho Pirate (incarcerated)
  • Cecile Horton (while possessed by Psycho Pirate)
  • Joslyn Jackam/Weather Witch (incarcerated)
  • John Loring (incarcerated)
  • Remington Meister (incarcerated)
  • Mobius/Anti-Monitor (shrinking for eternity)
    • Shadow demons (extinct)
  • Frida Novikov/Turtle II (incarcerated)
  • Philippe/Abra Kadabra (deceased)
  • Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper (turned ally)
  • Mick Rory/Heat Wave (turned ally; later joined the Legends)
  • Sam Scudder/Mirror Master (status unknown)
  • Roderick Smith (turned ally)
  • Leonard Snart/Captain Cold (turned ally; later joined the Legends; deceased)
  • Harrison Nash Wells (while possessed by Eobard Thawne)
  • Amunet Black's criminal organization
    • Leslie Jocoy/Amunet Black (leader; incarcerated)
  • Black Hole
    • Joseph Carver (leader; deceased)
    • Peter Merkel/Rag Doll (associate; incarcerated)
    • Dr. Olsen (incarcerated)
    • "Sam Scudder" (destroyed)
  • Blood Brothers
    • Ramsey Rosso/Bloodwork (leader; incarcerated)
  • Dominators
  • Eden Corps
  • Eva McCulloch's team
    • Eva McCulloch/Mirror Monarch (leader; returned to the Mirrorverse)
    • "Kamilla Hwang" (destroyed)
    • "Iris West-Allen" (destroyed)
    • "David Singh" (destroyed)
    • Rosa Dillon/Top (incarcerated)
    • Esperanza Garcia/Ultraviolet (turned ally; deceased)
  • Forces of Nature
    • Speed Force (in the form of Nora Allen; turned ally)
    • Alexa Rivera/Fuerza (turned ally)
    • Bashir Malik/Psych (turned ally)
    • Deon Owens (turned ally)
  • Goldface's black market
    • Keith/Goldface (leader; incarcerated)
  • Zoom's meta-human group
  • Shawna Baez/Peek-a-Boo
  • Hannibal Bates/Everyman
  • Jaco Birch/Hotness
  • Roy Bivolo/Rainbow Raider
  • Alex Boyd
  • Clifford DeVoe/The Thinker
  • Orlin Dwyer/Cicada
  • Payton Gilbert
  • Russell Glosson/The Turtle
  • Dan Fisk
  • Vanessa Jansen/Block
  • Frankie Kane/Magenta
  • Sebastian Kim
  • Brie Larvan/Bug-Eyed Bandit
  • Mark Mardon/Weather Wizard
  • Arielle McAlpin
  • Kyle Nimbus/The Mist
  • Emily Palizzi
  • Janet Petty/Null
  • Dr. Derek Stricker
  • Axel Walker/The Trickster
  • Tony Woodward/Girder
  • "Ringmaster"