The Canary suit is a suit used by Sara Lance while operating as a vigilante known as The Canary and as the assasin known as Ta-er Al Sahfer.
When Sara started fighting against crime as the vigilante known as the Canary, she wore a black leather suit. The suit included; quad-hugging pants with a motif reminiscent of fishnet stockings, a bustier-like top, an utility belt with two pouches on her sides, as well as a short jacket with sleeves up to below her elbows and black gloves. Moreover, her jacket always appears unzipped. Sara also wore a black domino-like mask and a bleach blonde wig, to hide her identity.
The suit's origin is unknown but it was possibly created by the League of Assassins for Sara or by Sara after she left them. Sara used it when she fought crime as a vigilante in Star City.
Sara was murdered while wearing the suit, which inspired Laurel to create her own suit and become a Canary vigilante in honor of Sara. After her resurrection, Sara wore the suit for the final time during the rescue mission to save Ray Palmer from Damien Darhk before temporarily retiring from vigilantism before she received her White Canary suit from Laurel as she joined the Legends.
- Identity concealment: Sara used a black mask and blonde wig to conceal her identity and potentially keep her family safe from harm.
- Sara Lance (Earth Fifty)/The Canary
- Sara Lance (Earth 54)/The Canary
Former users[]
- The Canary suit used by Sara in the Arrowverse, is similar to the Black Canary suit of Dinah Drake-Lance from the DC comics. The suit is similar to the original Black Canary suit worn by the former character.