Memory Delta Wiki
The Truth
Helen-mirren 57
Series: Star Trek: Intrepid
Written by: Typhuss999
Story by: Typhuss999
Teleplay by: Typhuss999
Production information
Episode no.: 11x39
First aired: February 12th, 2020‎
Date: 2391
Stardate: 85437.9

The Truth is the 39th episode in Star Trek: Intrepid season 11.


A woman named Kim Roberts claims to be Typhuss's birth mother but he dosen't believe her. Until his mom and dad tell Typhuss that he was adopted by the Halliwell family. Typhuss meets his sisters Tess and Sarah Roberts at the Roberts house. Lex Luthor tries to kill his family but Typhuss gets help from Michael and his team.



Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]

Special Guest Stars[]

Memorable quotes[]

"Hi, I'm Kim Roberts, I'm your biological mother."

Kim Roberts to Typhuss

"You must have me confused with someone else."

Typhuss to Kim

"I'm adopted, is that true?."

Typhuss to his adoptive parents

"Yes, its true, your biological mother is Kim Roberts, she is a old family friend."

Patty to Typhuss