The Tok'ra fleet is the standing naval military branch of the Tok'ra, a philosophical race of sentient symbiote beings related to the Goa'uld. The fleet is largely comprised of ships taken from the Goa'uld fleet after the fall of the Goa'uld Empire.
During the earlier days, the fleet was very limited due to the Tok'ra High Council waging a war resistance against the Goa'uld System Lords, thus the fleet comprised mostly of smaller ship classes, mainly meant for spying and cargo transportation. (SG1: "Revelations", "Redemption, Part 1")
The fleet grew significantly after the collapse of the Goa'uld domain by the time of the Battle of P3Y-229, which it had several Ha'taks in the fleet. As most Tok'ra organisations, the Tok'ra fleet has close ties with both the Federation fleet and Free Jaffa Nation fleet. (SG1: "Camelot")
Major actions[]
- Federation-Goa'uld War (2359-2378, Federation-Tok'ra-Jaffa victory)
- Battle of Dakara (2378, Federation-Tok'ra-Jaffa victory)
- Replicator Invasion (2378, Federation-Tok'ra-Jaffa victory)
- Battle of Dakara (2378, Federation-Tok'ra-Jaffa victory
- Great Enlightenment (2379-2381, Federation victory)
- Battle of P3Y-229 (2379, Ori victory)
- Ba'al's Campaign
- Defense of the Tok'ra homeworld during the Extraction Ceremony of Ba'al
Specific ships[]
- Tok'ra Tel'tak - Used by Jolinar of Malkshur
- Selmak's Tel'tak - Used by Selmak