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Type 6A runabout
Ship image
Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Type: Shuttlecraft/Runabout
Service period: 32nd century
Length: 23.1 meters
Width: 13.7 meters
Height: 5.4 meters
Mass: 158.7 metric tons
Decks: 1
Crew: 1 (minimum operating complement)
4 (standard)
40+ (life support capacity)
Speed: Warp speed
Armaments: Torpedo launchers
Tachyon bursts
Defences: Deflector shields
Ablative armor
Cloaking device
Type 6A shuttle

The Type 6A Runabout was a technologically advanced type of Runabout also used as a shuttlecraft employed by the 32nd century Starfleet of the burn universe.


Technical data[]


The computer core of Type 6A shuttles is a standard isolinear unit with 186 memory storage banks and 53 command processors. Sub nodes are installed throughout the runabout and are connected to the core by standard nano-gel relays (optical data network). The class features both holographic and programmable matter displays and control interfaces with the science station also utilising a neural interface and receiver.

It contains a public access to the Federation archives with additional options for Section 31 and other databases through proper clearance. A vessel of this class is capable of perform a standard survey of a planet with analysis of magnetospheric, geological, microbial, and atmospheric factors in as little as six hours.

Type 6A shuttles have a communications array that are vulnerable to gamma ray bursts. The computer has pre-programmed functions for example any crash landing would activate the runabout emergency distress beacon on impact - It would send the beacon on all Federation subspace channels using a narrow theta band frequency shifted into background radiation domain.

Additionally, the sensory arrays have a ultimate range of 6 light years and 6 Sectors for Real-Time Transmission with a further 34 sectors using relay stations making for a total of 40 sectors or 800 light years.

Life support[]

  1. Heat shield AKA thermal deflector unit
  2. Radiation shield
  3. Gravity plating & unit
  4. Structural integrity field system
  5. Inertial dampeners
  6. Oxygen generators/recycler
  7. Replicators


  • Tractor beam emitter: The type features on forward tractor beam generator that projects a beam of attenuated gravity at a target thus allowing for the manipulation of its trajectory.

Weapon systems[]

Tachyon firing system[]

Type 6A shuttles are capable of firing concentrated pulses of tachyon particles at a target usually on a shielded starship that can disrupt shields, forcing the ship to remodulate and offering a brief window of opportunity to use transporters or fire on the vessel. Despite the temporal accords, tachyon weapons such as this is apparently allowed but rarely used on larger starships given the power of the tachyons compared to the size of the opponent's deflector shields.


Type 6A vessels are armed with two phaser emitter cannons designed to fire pulsed beams of directed tetryon plasma particles at a target utilising automatic frequency rotation to combat enemy adaption.


They are secondly equipped with two torpedo micro-launchers that shoot out self propelled miniaturised torpedoes around 14 cm in size each armed with a variable warhead. Standard complement is six photon torpedoes but the class is also compatible with quantum torpedoes.

Defensive systems[]

  • Deflector shields: For protection, the class features sophisticated forcefield armor that has proven to be regenerative employing said sub-routines in addition to self-adaptive matrices to compensate for enemy fire. It is comprised out of layered energetic distortion infused with graviton waves and can absorb kinetic forces as well as energy discharge for limited periods of time.

Cloaking systems[]

  • Cloaking screen: Vessels of this type are equipped with a highly advanced cloaking device that was proclaimed "perfect." It emitted no tachyons and left no residual anti-protons, the two ways that a cloaked ship could be tracked and located. Thus, when active, a Type 6A crafts could not be located or tracked beside from verified users of Starfleet starbases and starships.



For primary travel at sub-light speeds, Type 6A runabouts use a magnetohydrodynamic drive called the Hyper-Impulse engine that is essentially a massive magnetic coil to propel the ship at speeds just under .25 percent of the speed of light. This magnetic system also utilizes the Space-Time Driver Coil to operate effectively at sub-light speeds which produce a non-propulsive symmetrical subspace field that helps the ship to accelerate, decelerate, and maneuver by effectively lowering it's apparent mass.

Secondly, they use a Newtonian-thrust-based reaction system in the form of vectored thrust nozzle assemblies aligned on the aft section built sleekly into the nacelles. They are powered by two micro-fusion reactors using deuterium fuel to create helium plasma. A known speed, not clear if it is maximum or minimum, is 0.14 percent of the speed of light or 419 709.441 m / s. Given their low speed, they are typically used as a speed boost for interstellar travel using the magnetic drive but also for high speed maneuvering.

Overall, Type 6A vessels could reach a speed of .39 percent of the speed of light which is sufficient for mundane travel like interplanetary within a star system.



Type 6A runabouts possess a Federation standard warp drive that functions through running highly energised plasma through the unique composition of the warp coils thereby creating a subspace field ie; a discrete bubble of subspace is temporarily merged into normal space around the exterior of the craft. To explain the phenomena, under normal circumstances subspace and normal space do not interact, but the high amount of energy and the unique properties of the warp coils contained in the nacelles allows a "blending" of the dimensions, surrounding the ship in the aforementioned subspace field. By manipulating the way plasma is moved through the warp coils, they alter the nature of the subspace field, such as causing it to move in a specific direction therefore actually accelerating the subspace "bubble" to faster-than-light velocities without violating laws of relativity as the ship contained within the field is technically stationary.

The maximum speed of such vessels is Warp Factor 9.97 which is 4,741.59 times the speed of light and equates to 1 light year/per 1.85 hours or 111 minutes. Cruising velocity is Warp Factor 6.925 which is 632.99 times the speed of light and equates to .5 light years/per 6.92 hours.

Energy generation[]




Internal design[]


Mission objectives[]

  1. Short Notice and/or Emergency Response Transportation for Scientific Expeditions or Medical Personnel.
  2. Act as a Base of Operations (orbital or landed) for Scientific Expeditions or Medical Response.
  3. Transport personnel, intact experiment and/or cargo modules.
  4. Perform tactical missions such as intelligence gathering (scouting), covert insertion/extraction of personnel, act as a deterrent of threatening situations, etc.



  • The Type 6A runabout could function without assistance from larger starships/space stations for an absolute maximum of 36 days.