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Type-9 shuttlecraft
Craft image.
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: shuttlecraft
Service period: 2370-2380s
Length: 8.5 meters
Capacity: 2 crew,
4 passengers
Speed: Warp 4
Armaments: none (standard),
Type-IV phaser emitters
photon torpedoes (retrofit)
Defences: Deflector shields
Craft image. Craft image. Craft image.

The Type-9 shuttlecraft, was an auxiliary space vessel utilized by Starfleet for use as an embarked craft from starships.

This class was widely used during the 2360s by Starfleet Academy, and were often the cause of "class 2 claustrophobia" for the cadets who served aboard them, as they were, according to B'Elanna Torres, "fast, maneuverable, but not built for comfort." Tom Paris added that "they used to shoehorn half a dozen cadets into one of these things for weeks at a time," adding, "you did not want to be around when they opened up that airlock." (VOY episode: "Drone")

A type 9 shuttle had the top speed of warp 4. (VOY episode: "Resolutions")

However, in 2372, the crew of USS Voyager discovered a new form of dilithium that could remain stable at a much higher warp frequency, and modified the type 9 shuttle to achieve high-warp engine performance, reaching significantly past warp 9. (VOY episode: "Threshold")

Type 9 shuttles in Intrepid class hangar

Two type-9 shuttles in an Intrepid-class hangar

A type 9 shuttle's hull is made from a tritanium alloy. (VOY episode: "Threshold")

As with other Starfleet shuttles of the era, these shuttles were equipped with phasers, and can be retrofitted with photon torpedoes. (VOY episodes: "Dark Frontier", "Renaissance Man", "Bride of Chaotica!")

After listening to the comments made by Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres regarding the compact size of the type 9 shuttle, Seven of Nine to suggest that someone should "design a new shuttle. Larger, more efficient." Torres thought her suggestion was "not a bad idea." (VOY episode: "Drone")

According to Tom Paris, the decision to construct the Delta Flyer was based on the fact that "type-9 shuttles just don't cut it in the Delta Quadrant." He added that "we've needed something bigger and better since we got here." (VOY episodes: "Drone", "Extreme Risk")


Cochrane, The Raven

A type 9 shuttlecraft

The Type-9 shuttlecraft had been introduced into service by the year 2371. It later became the standard shuttlecraft design incorporated into many starship classes, including the Intrepid-class and the Sovereign-class. (VOY episode: "Threshold", TNG - The Dominion War novels: Behind Enemy Lines, Tunnel Through the Stars)

Technical data[]


The main body consisted of a fuselage and a port and starboard nacelle attached via pylons. The hull was composed of tritanium alloy. (VOY episode: "Threshold")

Other basic or noted systems included a tractor beam, transporter, inertial dampers, com system, optical scanners, structural integrity field, and a message buoy. (VOY episodes: "Innocence", "Unity", "Hunters")

Their size allowed them to better tolerate gravimetric eddies more easily than an Intrepid-class starship could. (VOY episode: "Hunters")

Propulsion systems[]

Described by B'Elanna Torres as "fast [and] maneuverable", their propulsion systems included thrusters, impulse engines, and warp drive. Other components of the propulsion systems included the stabilizer acceleration sensors and attitude control thrusters. (VOY episodes: "Basics, Part II", "Future's End, Part II")

The typ 9 shuttle had a top speed of warp 4. (VOY episode: "Resolutions")

However, following the discovery of a new form of dilithium that could remain stable at a much higher warp frequency by the crew of USS Voyager, the shuttle Cochrane reached warp 9.7 in 2372. With the engagement of the shuttle's transwarp drive, it was capable of reaching warp 10. (VOY episode: "Threshold")

Another shuttle was successfully modified with coaxial warp drive. (VOY episode: "Vis à Vis")

Defensive systems[]

As with other Starfleet shuttles of the era, these shuttles were equipped with shields, and a weapons array consisting of phaser banks and photon torpedoes. (VOY episodes: "Innocence", "Night")

The shuttle had a weapons range of at least 20,000 kilometers. (VOY episode: "Vis à Vis")

Theoretically, the type 9 shuttle was capable of being modified, over a period of several hours, with Borg developed shields, designed to cut through the gravimetric currents caused by a graviton ellipse. (VOY episode: "One Small Step")

In another more practical case, two of these shuttles were outfitted with refractive shielding. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint")

Interior configuration[]

The interior consisted of a cockpit with seating for two, with a small cabin in the aft. Overall, it was limited to a crew capacity of approximately six. (Template:VOY)

Type 9 shuttles were often the cause of "Class 2 claustrophobia" for the cadets who served aboard them, as they were, not exactly "built for comfort." (VOY episode: "Drone")

Captain Kathryn Janeway believed it possible to live aboard this type of shuttle alone, for the duration of her trip back to the Alpha Quadrant on account of having "plenty of rations" with her. (VOY episode: "Night")

Entry to the shuttle was through a large hatch in the rear of the craft. There were benches for passenger seating in the aft section, parallel to the rear walls, with ample room for cargo, as well as storage space for at least two EV suits. The shuttle's transporter system was also located in the aft compartment. (VOY episode: "Day of Honor")

The relatively cramped cockpit had two swiveled chairs with approximately 180° of forward control consoles split between the two seats with a small centrally located viewscreen/monitor. The pilot's seat was located on the port side of the cockpit. (VOY episode: "The Swarm")

The chairs were placed on a track which allowed them to access the cockpit's rear consoles, located on the half wall separating the forward and aft compartments. (VOY episode: "Drone", et al.)

List of type-9 shuttles[]

See also[]

Starfleet shuttlecraft and auxiliary spacecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet named classes AeroshuttleDanubeEpochFlyerGreyhoundMcCallMercury (warpshuttle)PulsarSphinxTeslaValkyrieVenture (scout)WaveriderWraithYellowstoneZodiac (warp shuttle) alphanumeric designations 2ACFGHR10S3S4S5S6S7S10S11S12S20SC22SW7SW21I Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
type designations type-1type-3type-4type-t4type 5-Atype-5type-6type-6Atype-6Ctype-7type-8type-9type-9Atype-10type-11type-15type-15Atype-16type-17type-18type-18HZhang Sui
others mark IIcaptain's skiffcaptain's yachtAcademy trainer craftunnamed Federation shuttlecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
military shuttlepassenger shuttleStarfleet shuttle (2230s) Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.