Memory Delta Wiki

The United Earth is a sovereign federation of formerly-independent nation-states that spans across several territories on Earth and Luna, within the Sol system and Milky Way galaxy.




As a planetary state, United Earth was represented in the Coalition of Planets and, later, the United Federation of Planets. Government officials included ministers.

Given the existence of the "minister" title, it is likely that the United Earth is a parliamentary government, possibly led by a prime minister.

Even after United Earth was formed, many nation-states and confederations of Earth retained their individual identities. These included the African Confederation, Canada, the European Alliance, Russia, and the United States of America.


By the 2150s, the United Earth government was coterminous with all major settlements made by Humanity. This included all territory on Earth itself, after all previous Human governments united into one organization. United Earth controlled all of the Sol system, but in the 2150s, the organization had begun to spread to other nearby star systems.

  • Planetary bodies that had major Human settlements or military installations on them in the 2150s included:
    • In the Sol system:
      • Earth
      • Luna – Lunar colonies
      • Mars – Martian colonies
      • Several asteroid colonies
      • Jupiter Station, a Starfleet support facility in orbit around a gas giant, Jupiter
      • Titan, used for hazardous environment training by Starfleet
    • In other solar systems:
      • Alpha Centauri – Proxima colony
      • Deneva – Deneva colony
      • Terra Nova – Terra Nova colony
      • Vega – Vega colony


  1. United Earth Starfleet
  2. S.H.I.E.L.D
  3. Military Assault Command Operations
  4. United Earth Diplomatic Corps
  5. Earth Cargo Authority\Earth Cargo Service

