Memory Delta Wiki

The United Earth Starfleet, simply referred to as Starfleet is the central federalised space agency of United Earth during a possible 22nd century timeline.




  1. Suliban
  2. Na'kuhl
  3. Klingons
  4. Romulans
  5. Borg
  6. Xindi (formerly)


  1. Andorian Imperial Guard
  2. Vulcans
  3. Xindi
  4. Tellarites
  5. Coridanites
  6. Ktarians
  7. Rigelians


Species with current representatives in Starfleet[]


United Earth Starfleet maintains the Jupiter Station; a Starfleet support facility in orbit around a gas giant, Jupiter.

They utilise Titan, a moon of Saturn, for hazardous environment training.

At least twelve cold stations built into asteroids were utilised by Starfleet as classified storage facilities with one being used to store hazardous viruses and pathogens for research purposes, as well as over 1,800 embryos of 20th century Augments, left over from the Eugenics Wars.

The headquarters of United Earth Starfleet was located on Earth specifically on a considerably large campus in San Francisco.

In the 2160s, after the Earth-Romulan War, Starfleet constructed and operated seven outposts along the newly formed neutral zone border. These outposts were primarily manned by MACOs.

Starfleet jointly operated an embassy station on Vulcan with the Earth diplomatic corp.



By 2152, Starfleet began making use of EM forcefields. Even earlier than that they made use of plasma weapons and then phased directed energy weaponry such as Phase pistols, phase cannons and pulsed phase cannons.

Fleet analysis[]

Starship classes[]
  1. Reliant class - Medical cruiser
  2. NX class - Heavy explorer/flagship
  3. Cooper class - Light cruiser
  4. Maggia class - Explorer
  5. Glenn class - Frigate/Escort
  6. Neptune class - Survey and science cruiser
Spacecraft classes[]
  1. Centauri class - Multi-purpose Impulse cruisers
  2. Pilgrim class - Colony transport
Shuttle classes[]
  1. Australia class - Shuttlepod
  2. Alcatraz class - Containment module

Due to the Humans partnership with Vulcan they were able to take a more relaxed pace when it came to designing and building their warp capable fleet.

Active starship fleet[]

Total confirmed = 12 ships

Active spaceship fleet[]

