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This page lists and describes unnamed Federation shuttlecraft classes.

By assignment[]

USS Enterprise-E[]

USS Enterprise-E shuttlecraft
Craft image.
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: shuttlecraft
Service period: late-24th century

This shuttle-type was similar to the Type 9 shuttlecraft but had a more squared-off aft section and two extra warp nacelles or equipment/sensor pods mounted one on each side of the upper aft hull. At least four of these shuttles were assigned to the USS Enterprise-E. (Ships of the Line 2014)

USS Excelsior[]

USS Excelsior shuttlecraft
Craft image.
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: shuttlecraft
Service period: late-23rd century

This type of Federation shuttlecraft was in service during the late-23rd century. One of which, the NX-2000/05A, was assigned to the USS Excelsior. (TOS - The Mirror Universe Saga comic: "The Beginning of the End...")

USS Onimaru[]

USS Onimaru shuttlecraft
Craft image.
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: shuttlecraft
Service period: late-24th century

This shuttle-type was in use in the late-24th century and appeared to be of an intermediary type between the Type-6 and Type 11 shuttlecraft. The USS Onimaru carried at least one of this class of shuttle which was deployed while in orbit of an inhabited planet. (Ships of the Line 2014)

By named shuttle[]


See Argo-type.

Jefferies' shuttlecraft[]

Jefferies shuttlecraft

Craft image

For other uses, see Jefferies.

This shuttle type was in use alongside the class F shuttlecraft during the mid-late 23rd century. At least one of these shuttles used a landing facility near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco on Earth. (Ships of the Line 2017)

Jefferies shuttlecraft sketches

Design sketches


Star Trek: The Original Series art director and production designer, Matt Jefferies, designed this teardrop-shaped shuttle for the TOS episode: "The Galileo Seven" but, due to the curved hull being expensive to reproduce, the now familiar flat-sided F-class shuttlecraft was constructed instead. (ST reference: The Art of Star Trek; Star Trek: The Magazine Issue 12: "Designing the Galileo Shuttlecraft")


Weyland-type shuttlecraft
Craft image.
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: shuttlecraft
Service period: 24th century

This shuttle appeared to be a successor to the type-4 and predecessor to the type 6 shuttlecraft. Two of this type of shuttle, including the Weyland, took part in a reprovisioning of the USS Balmung by the USS Mughi at some point in the 24th century. (Ships of the Line 2012)

Zhang Sui-type[]

See Zhang Sui-type.


24th century[]

Shuttlepod (late 24th century)
Aft view
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: shuttlepod
Service period: 24th century
Fore view

This type of shuttlepod appeared to be of a newer design to the Type-15. Differences included a slightly longer hull, a curved cockpit and larger propulsion nacelles similar to those of the Type 6 shuttlecraft.

This class was assigned to Federation installations such as the Remmler Array and the Starfleet Museum of Deep Space Exploration. It could also be found on Earth flying around Starfleet Academy buildings in the city of San Francisco. (Ships of the Line calendars 2010, 2014; Starfleet Academy SCISEC Briefs episode: "SCISEC Brief 004: The Whale Probe")


This shuttle, originally designed by Rick Sternbach for Star Trek: The Next Generation, was meant to replace the unwieldy type 7 shuttlecraft but was never used. If it had been constructed, it was to have had a crew capacity of 6-8, a sliding side door, a flip-open rear hatch, and removable warp nacelles.


It is known as the Type-17 shuttlepod in some fan and artist circles. (Flare Sci-Fi Forums, ASDB Journal of Applied Treknology - Shuttles, HomespunMagixx (papercraft))
Starfleet shuttlecraft and auxiliary spacecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet named classes AeroshuttleDanubeEpochFlyerGreyhoundMcCallMercury (warpshuttle)PulsarSphinxTeslaValkyrieVenture (scout)WaveriderWraithYellowstoneZodiac (warp shuttle) alphanumeric designations 2ACFGHR10S3S4S5S6S7S10S11S12S20SC22SW7SW21I Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
type designations type-1type-3type-4type-t4type 5-Atype-5type-6type-6Atype-6Ctype-7type-8type-9type-9Atype-10type-11type-15type-15Atype-16type-17type-18type-18HZhang Sui
others mark IIcaptain's skiffcaptain's yachtAcademy trainer craftunnamed Federation shuttlecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
military shuttlepassenger shuttleStarfleet shuttle (2230s) Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.