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"Yes. Vedek Fala. Nerys. What a surprise. What are you doing here? Well, I came to see you. Well come in, sit down. Let me get you some tea. When I contacted the University they told you were on a spiritual retreat. Ah, you know me, always searching for answers. That's what makes you different from all the other vedeks I known. To you, faith is a journey. Thank you. And one that never ends. Oh, you're a Colonel now. It seems like only yesterday you were just a little girl, squirming in your chair during instruction. Chair? We didn't have any chairs at the camp. We sat on the floor. Which was good for discipline and made me seem more imposing. Oh, as if you needed the help. Nerys, what are the three keys to enlightenment? And the answer? Charity, humility and faith. You remember. You were a good teacher. Without you, I'm not sure I would have survived that camp."
— Kira and Vedek Fala, 2375

Vedeks are established representatives of the Bajoran religion.

History and specifics[]

Selected Vedeks are allowed to join the Vedek Assembly and can be elected as the Kai. (DS9 episodes: "In the Hands of the Prophets", "The Collaborator")

They were amongst the highest religious positions a Bajoran could attain and had the unique authority that allowed them to incite masses with their words. (DS9 novel: The Heart of the Warrior)

Members of the Janalan order chanted constantly in order to promote the health and well-being of other Bajorans. (TNG episode: "Lower Decks")

Known vedeks[]

Vedek Assembly
  • Bareil Antos
  • Eeth
  • Winn Adami
  • Kira Nerys
  • Pralon Onala
  • Solis Tendren
  • Synta Kayanil
  • Yassim
  • Yevir Linjarin
  • Krin
Vedek Assembly (mirror)
  • Eeth
  • Krin
  • Winn Adami