The Vigilante suit is a protective suit worn by Vincent Sobel as the "Vigilante".
Vigilante's suit is comprised of black leather and computerized orange goggles that resemble ski goggles.
Alternate reality[]
In an alternate reality created by the Legion of Doom, Damien Darhk owned Vigilante's mask, presumably due to him having been killed.

Spare parts for the Vigilante suit
- Identity concealment: The suit allows Vincent to hide his true identity from his enemies while performing his vigilante activities.
- Protective kevlar lining: The suit offers Vincent protection during combat, though the exact level of durability of the suit is unknown.
- Equipment holsters: Vincent carries many guns and weapons around with him that can be attached to his suit.
- Goggles: Vigilante's goggles are computerized, allowing him to track his targets using infrared vision. They are also rigged with a flashbang, so if anyone tries to remove them it will set off a flare.
Season 5[]
- "Legacy" (SCIS sketch)
- "Vigilante"
- "Spectre of the Gun"
- "Fighting Fire With Fire"
- "Disbanded" (photograph)
Season 6[]
- "Deathstroke Returns"
- "Thanksgiving" (indirectly mentioned)
- "Divided"
- "We Fall"
- "All for Nothing"
The Flash[]
Season 3[]
- "Invasion!"
DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]
Season 2[]
- "Doomworld" (mask)