Memory Delta Wiki

The Vigilante suit is a protective suit worn by Vincent Sobel as the "Vigilante".


Vigilante's suit is comprised of black leather and computerized orange goggles that resemble ski goggles.

Alternate reality[]

In an alternate reality created by the Legion of Doom, Damien Darhk owned Vigilante's mask, presumably due to him having been killed.


Spare parts for the Vigilante suit

Spare parts for the Vigilante suit

  • Identity concealment: The suit allows Vincent to hide his true identity from his enemies while performing his vigilante activities.
  • Protective kevlar lining: The suit offers Vincent protection during combat, though the exact level of durability of the suit is unknown.
  • Equipment holsters: Vincent carries many guns and weapons around with him that can be attached to his suit.
  • Goggles: Vigilante's goggles are computerized, allowing him to track his targets using infrared vision. They are also rigged with a flashbang, so if anyone tries to remove them it will set off a flare.



Season 5[]

  • "Legacy" (SCIS sketch)
  • "Vigilante"
  • "Spectre of the Gun"
  • "Fighting Fire With Fire"
  • "Disbanded" (photograph)

Season 6[]

  • "Deathstroke Returns"
  • "Thanksgiving" (indirectly mentioned)
  • "Divided"
  • "We Fall"
  • "All for Nothing"

The Flash[]

Season 3[]

  • "Invasion!"

DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 2[]

  • "Doomworld" (mask)