Memory Delta Wiki
Planet image.
The planet Vulcan
Classification: Class M planet
Affiliation: Terran Empire,
Vulcan Empire
Location: Vulcan system,
Vulcan sector,
Beta Quadrant
Moon(s): none, locked in double orbit with T'Khut
Dominant Species: Vulcans
Warp Capable: 320 AD
Population: 7 billion
Capital: ShiKahr
Gravity: 1.4G
Length of day: 24 hours
Vulcan from orbit in 2154 Vulcan from orbit in 2154
For the primary universe counterpart, see Vulcan (planet).

In the dark mirror universe, Vulcan was the home planet of the Vulcans, a planet which was annexed by a strong militaristic governmental authority known as the Terran Empire.

Then later became a center of the Vulcan Empire in 2155.


In the mid-21st century, Vulcan was once annexed by the forces of the Terran Empire after first contact on April 5, 2063, which bring the first step of expanding their interstellar empire, and many Vulcans joined Imperial Starfleet to serve on Terran vessels.
