Memory Delta Wiki
Vulcan science vessel
Ship image.
Class: D'Kyr-class
Affiliation: Federation,
Vulcan High Command
Status: Active (2259)
UFP emblem. Vulcan IDIC logo.

In the alternate reality created by Nero, the Vulcan science vessel was a Federation D'Kyr-class science vessel in service to the Vulcan High Command.


D'Kyr (alternate reality)

Face to face with the Enterprise

In 2259, Ambassador Sarek and his followers disguised themselves as crewmembers of the rogue Romulan starship Narada and raided the D'Kyr class Vulcan science vessel in the 40 Eridani A star system. They stole the red matter recovered by the Vulcan scientists from the former location of planet Vulcan. The Starfleet starship USS Enterprise arrived to lend aid the science vessel, prompting Sarek's scout ship to escape into Romulan space.

Crew manifest[]

  • scientists:
    • unnamed Vulcans
D'Kyr-class combat cruiser/science vessel starships
Confederacy of Vulcan, Vulcan Defense Force
(primary universe)
DFC D'KyrDFC SeleyaDFC SepokDFC Tal'Kirunnamed Vulcan IDIC emblem.
Federation, Starfleet
(primary universe)
DFC D'KyrVSS SovalVS T'AndromaVS T'PauDFC Tal'Kirunnamed UFP emblem. Starfleet logo.
United Federation of Planets, Vulcan High Command
(alternate reality)
Vulcan science vessel UFP emblem. Vulcan IDIC emblem.
Terran Empire rebels
(mirror universe)
unnamed Terran Empire emblem. Vulcan IDIC emblem.