Memory Delta Wiki
Craft image.
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Classification: atmospheric operations shuttlecraft
Service period: from 2370s
Speed: one half impulse
Craft image.

The Waverider was an atmospheric vehicle that was part of the Federation Nova-class starship's auxiliary craft complement. It was berthed in a dedicated docking port in the ventral surface of the primary hull.

The success of the Aeroshuttle, which was first commissioned in 2370, led to the development of the more advanced Waverider. Classed as an atmospheric operations shuttlecraft, in 2377 it was the most advanced atmospheric craft in Starfleet. It was capable of one half impulse speed. (ST reference: Starship Spotter)

History and specifications[]

When the Nova-class USS Equinox was lost in the Delta Quadrant, a Waverider was docked on its ventral hull. It was destroyed alongside the rest of the ship by nucleogenic lifeforms in 2376. (VOY episode: "Equinox")

In the early 25th century, the Rhode Island-class, a refit science vessel versions of the Nova, was also equipped with a Waverider shuttle.

The USS Rhode Island was still in service in the 26th century.

Starfleet shuttlecraft and auxiliary spacecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet named classes AeroshuttleDanubeEpochFlyerGreyhoundMcCallMercury (warpshuttle)PulsarSphinxTeslaValkyrieVenture (scout)WaveriderWraithYellowstoneZodiac (warp shuttle) alphanumeric designations 2ACFGHR10S3S4S5S6S7S10S11S12S20SC22SW7SW21I Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
type designations type-1type-3type-4type-t4type 5-Atype-5type-6type-6Atype-6Ctype-7type-8type-9type-9Atype-10type-11type-15type-15Atype-16type-17type-18type-18HZhang Sui
others mark IIcaptain's skiffcaptain's yachtAcademy trainer craftunnamed Federation shuttlecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
military shuttlepassenger shuttleStarfleet shuttle (2230s) Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.