A downed supply ship
Wraith supply ships are vessels which carry cocooned humans to other parts of the Wraith fleet. They are usually used when the Wraith are in a long battle, and need to be resupplied with humans to feed upon.
The Atlantis Expedition discovered a crashed supply ship on the Light Bugs' Planet in the Lantean system, one which was intended to feed the Wraith battling the Lanteans who were defending Atlantis. (SGA: "The Defiant One")
The vessel isn't a class of its own, but is in fact a modified Wraith cruiser, as stated by Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard. (SGA: "Critical Mass")
In 2381 or 2382, a crashed Wraith supply ship was discovered on M3T-211 by members of the Atlantis expedition. The humans held on board the ship escaped after the crash and killed all of the active Wraith onboard and set up their own civilization in some ruins on the planet. The ship was badly damaged to the point that the wreckage had little power and hundreds of the Wraith that survived in hibernation likely died trapped in their chambers as their support systems failed, suffocated or starved. When the Sea King started abducting people, the descendants of the humans who had escaped from the crashed ship decided to start sacrificing the surviving Wraith to them, awakening the Wraith one at a time, drugging children and having them feed on the children which then knocked the Wraith out. The crashed ship was discovered by members of the Atlantis expedition as the people awakened a Wraith warrior that was dubbed Buddy. Buddy escaped and boosted the ship's distress signal.
Dr. Rodney McKay managed to route power away from the distress beacon, but it proved to be too much for the ship's damaged systems which were unable to contain the bypass and created energy feedback. The feedback caused the supply ship's reactor to go critical, destroying the wrecked vessel and killing all of the remaining Wraith on board. (SGA: "Bone Music")
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