Memory Delta Wiki

"Mine is one of a kind."
"So was this, uh, when you let me borrow it."
Iris West-Allen and Nora West-Allen on her jacket

The Flash suit, also known as the XS suit in an erased future, is a protective suit that Iris West-Allen wore as the temporary meta-human known as the Flash and that later would be adopted by her daughter Nora West-Allen.


Original suit[]

The Flash (Iris West)

Iris in her Flash suit

Initially, Iris used the suit's jacket as normal apparel.

After Matthew Kim transferred Barry Allen's DNA to Iris's body, she gained Barry's powers. When there was a fire in Central City, Cisco gave her a spare mask belonging to Jesse Wells in order to conceal Iris' identity.

When Jaco Birch started attacking Central City with his newfound pyrokinetic powers, Cisco modified Iris' jacket presumably to become friction-proof. After she apprehended Birch and Matthew restored Barry's powers to his body, Iris stopped using the suit.


[[File:|XS suit (Earth-1).png|thumb|250px|Nora in her XS suit]] In the future, Nora West-Allen will eventually don the suit, the suit had a XS insignia, she used the suit when assisting her father in destroying a satellite and later as normal apparel.

Unlike Iris's version of the suit, this version has the symbols Barry wrote after his time in the Speed Force as a pattern on the suit.

When Nora was erased from existence, the only thing that was left of her, was the suit. Iris kept the suit as a memory. In late 2392, the suit was swallowed by a black hole that opened in the city.



  • Identity concealment: Both Iris and Nora West-Allen used a purple mask to conceal their identities; to keep their friends and families safe from harm. Nora has also wore the upper part as a regular jacket.
  • Intense temperature and abrasion resistance: Since Nora can run at superhuman speeds, the suit is designed to be extremely heat resistant to make sure it never catches fire from the friction.

Known users[]
