Memory Delta Wiki

Zhao Sheng
Terran Empire emblem.
Full name: Zhao Sheng
Species: Terran
Gender: Male
Born: 23rd century
Died: 2277
Affiliation: Terran Empire, Imperial Starfleet
Occupation: Imperial Starfleet officer
Final Assignment: Grand Admiral of the Imperial Starfleet,
ISS Endeavour
Rank: Grand Admiral

In an alternate mirror universe, Zhao Sheng was a male Terran who was the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Starfleet and the commanding officer of the ISS Endeavour in the 23rd century. When the Endeavour ambushed the ISS Enterprise in 2277, Grand Admiral Sheng captured Captain Spock. Sheng tried to kill Spock, but, fortunately, Admiral James T. Kirk came to Spock's rescue and killed Sheng. 
